
Recoil: Collected

Recoil Collected

Title: Collected
Release date: 19th April, 2010
Record company: Dentez Lab Production
Distribution: Omega Auctions
Catalogue number: no cat. number
Format: DVD

500 copies only

DVD was issued with two versions of the cover insert. The first insert has a dark design printed on thin paper whilst the brighter one was printed on stronger paper. Copies of the dark sleeve edition were given away for free to everybody who purchased any lots of the auction.

1 Film 35:22
  Directed and edited by Martin Vladar



Recoil Collected+

Title: Collected+
Release date: 1st November, 2010
Record company: Dentez Lab Production / Shunt Productions
Catalogue number: 001AWC+
Format: DVD

1.000 copies only

1 Film 36:11
  Directed and edited by Martin Vladar

2 Extra Footage
  Overview 0:57
  Fanatics 4:04
  Emax 7:39
  Auction Day 5:01

3 Gallery 7:57
  The background music: Intruders [molar edit]



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